Noah Travis Phillips "Unsolicited Collaboration(s)"

a site in echo / Warm Adventure Episode (Memory/ies) (as if @) ailageR ne nreG

left- circle A (anarchy) 
	crying eye with death silhouette in pupil (red)
	dragon river silhouette
	horse stallion silhouette
	water ripples (intra-action) on red
	red clock w/ no hands
	“mica and glass stack 
	red canoe red and black ink expressive,  marbled muscle texture, rules collage texture (gern)
	pink clay smooth material sphere 
	red octobers - military /exclusive web-only release, end of contract, 
	dragon - unknown treasures, 
	burning: tree, microphone, water, and amp plugged into rock
	skeleton dancing off far right edge dark rainbow
	wisdom (brancusi)
	architeuthis - depths, 
	woman emerging from dirt, yonic ancient cave relief, plato’s cave/rave,  hillside meadow of flowers (sunrise) orange) tantric statue penetration red blue consort
	crystals (candy gem party colors)
	ocean crashing cymbal shore
	dirt & blood texture
	storm over ocean
	Death (purple) red paisley ornament, flying, dancing, observing
	red candle wizard (self-portrait)
	desert (biome, flora & fauna)
	digestive system #allegorithm
	drama neon above exit sign internal tunnel (aeon flux) 
	red deer in forest
	feedback spiral (cone intersect)
	creature stalking the cliffs
	NTP dead on the Moon
	entity from Unsettled Weather reaching bliss veins (marker and gold pen)  
	young person w/ long red hair drowning
	skeleton hand offering red rose
	corona (sun phenomena)
	coronavirus teaching totem architectural ornament /mask
	red on the horizon (sunrise)
	volcano eruption diagram
	colonialism abstract art

Noah Travis Phillips
a site in echo / Warm Adventure Episode (Memory/ies)
(unsolicited digital exhibition) May to September 2020

(as if @) ailageR ne nreG, a site in echo / Warm Adventure Episode (Memory/ies), a digital/virtual unsolicited exhibition with the gallery and installation of images from Noah Travis Phillips' private media archive. Phillips creates multi-centered collage and montage that spans scale and size including drawings, books, websites, posters, installation. Phillips has had dozens of exhibitions.
a site in echo / Warm Adventure Episode (Memory/ies) gathers a body of images from Phillips’ intimate archives, and creates a narrative ecology of ideas across thresholds, activating rhythms throughout the space, and responding to the forms of the gallery, and its “garden-level” subterranean location. The installation is further energized through a dialogue that Phillips cultivates with books in Aeon bookstore. Phillips has a long history with books; Phillips and his wife (epic psychedelic nature painter) Jennifer Lord have a substantial personal library full of unique and rare books, Phillips previously worked at a local used bookstore, their wife has been a bookseller and is a librarian.
Phillips' practice (which they refer to as 'praxis') engages conceptual countermeasures and theoretical experiments to develop worlds of imagery and media with emergent themes, often incorporating the posthuman, anthropocene, and personal mythology.
Mythological and metaphysical notions illuminate themes of life and death, evolution and hybridity, remix and cosmology.
The exhibition is also informed by the continuing experience of coronavirus as an anthropocene event, thinking about virtual presence, everything being on pause and nothing existing, wisdom and who do I become in isolation? looks to ecology and crystals as inspiring models.

a site in echo / Warm Adventure Episode (Memory/ies) is the artist’s first exhibition at the gallery!

book cover details: