High Tide (Real F&#$ing High) & BE NOT AFRAID (companion constellation)

for RMCAD Faculty Biennial 2023

high tide real fucking high and be not afraid companion constellation multimedia wall installation exhibition demo

High Tide (Real Fucking High) + & BE NOT AFRAID
   This feral composition forwards issues of climate crisis, personal change, and the posthuman and anthropocene. The central poster is modeled on movie posters to suggest the action and drama of the cinematic – while the maximalism conveys the urgency of the present historical moment. The motley components of the companion constellation expands on and complexifies these motifs.
   High Tide... consists of a framed collage poster (24” x 36” ) surrounded by a companion constellation of mixed media elements. The overall installation is ~85” x 100”. The images that make up the collage and constellation are selections from my private media archive (made, found & modified) including: graphite drawings, collages made with material created in dialogue with GANs as publicly available algorithmic systems, laser cut wood and acrylic, cut vinyl graphic, UV print on aluminum, photo inkjet print, and other photomechanical reproductions. These multiple elements highlight the importance of interrelationship and intra-action in my work.
   This piece was selected (and modified) with students in mind, to highlight aspects of my art practice that students find challenging or have expressed curiosity about previously, including appropriation, complexity, multicentricity, and the Anthropocene, while also showcasing things made in the FabLab/Z-Space.
Additionally I have created a website/landing page for the artwork that provides additional information and is accessed via a QR code / URL.

High Tide (Real F&#$ing High)

poster (cover of modified Raymond Pettibon drawing, 24x36 multimedia

(as additions on frame) /
  lightning and black ocean
  bifurcating flame
  sunset beach waves painting (bob ross)
  wave wall engulfing forest

(as additions atop)
  peregrine falcon
  moths circling candle
  demon with a forked tongue (scrawled 2,700 years ago)
  Tibetan mountain cloud
  sequoia tree
  black feather

BE NOT AFRAID (companion constellation)
  sky (ceiling)     (photomechanical print on paper)
  skull butterfly     (photomechanical print on paper)
  godless universe     (inkjet photo print)
  recycle symbol     (acrylic paint on laser cut wood)
  proginoskes     (UV print on aluminum)
  black widow w/ modified silhouette   (laser cut acrylic and red paper)
  self-portrait looking at protest posters   (GAN collage)
  dance & ingredients of life   (photomechanical print on paper)
  triangle/one-point perspective pattern   (cut vinyl graphic)


    Noah Travis Phillips is an artist, educator, and scholar; BA, Naropa University, Fine Art and Environmental Studies; MFA, University of Denver, Emergent Digital Practices. They create adaptable and multicentered artworks that cultivate an anthropocene and posthuman world that is both mythic and personal by activating appropriation and digital/analog remix and collage strategies. Their artworks incorporate 2D / 3D digital fabrication, videos, publications, performance, and the internet. Phillips is Assistant Professor & FabLab Coordinator at Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design, and they have exhibited extensively locally, nationally, internationally, and virtually. They live and work in Boulder, Colorado and can be found online at th3n04h.com.

