darkpegasusvictory (AKA dpv) (v2)

... is a digital 3D sculpture, also a proposal for a possibility...
“dark” is about the side of the Moon and the triclops skull ("it's skulls all the way down")
the Moon's nearside faces forward and the far side faces the wings,
victory is the wing-ed of samothrace,
the horse is running(& flying) – a wind horse, a pegasus,
dpv still bleeds from their fragile eggshell mind
bright as day or dark as night,
Some are Born to sweet delight.
Some are Born to Endless Night.

it is about hope in(/&) darkness,

moon wings woman horse skull(s), pegasus, centaur, sphinx,

dark pegasus victory in black and white left and right sides

dpv dateline 360 rotation gif

darkpegasus 000 stroke darkpegasusvictory Untitled 04 stroke

darkpegasus0025.png darkpegasusvictory-bw-draw-V2 dark 5.png

exhibition sketches feat./ darkpegasusvictory
(August 2019)

at Chateau de Boisgeloup
darkpegasusvictory at chateau de boisgeloup secret picasso studio with Jimi Hendrix sunn O))) destroyed stacks and young woman old hag optical illusion

proposal for Pilot Projects

domestic scene w/ gold mirror jackalope drawing print and dpv


Noah Travis Phillips